When thinking of metal roofing products most people are looking at colorbond corrugated roofing and that is the most effective and appealing product for a pitched roof. Any other profile has usually been designed to suit a factory, so obviously your home will look like a factory if you decide on any other profile than the standard corrugated profile.
When choosing what manufacturer to buy from we would suggest you take the cheapest quote, as all corrugated roofing rolled in Australia is usually from BHP colorbond and the size of the effective cover is either 760 or 762. So you see you are virtually getting the same product from whatever company that manufactures colorbond products, just make sure you ask the question “it is Australian made and not Chinese” and you can’t go far wrong.
However if you are going to choose a corrugated metal roof you will be needing an effective roof ventilation system. See Blog on this site “Warning! Read Before You Design Your Next Hosing Project”. Make sure you incorporate an effective ventilation system that works to remove the nasties of the roofspace.
Universal Tile Ventilators Smoothline® Ventilator Systems were designed aerodynamically for the Smoothlines of corrugated colorbond roofing, nothing is more aesthetically appealing as well as working very effectively to remove all the nasties from the corrugated colourbond roofspace.